TOTAL! 04/94

PreviewsJungle Book (GB), Mega Man X (SNES)
NES-TestsProbotector II
SNES-TestsSuper Probotector, NBA Jam, NFL Football, Pop n’TwinBee – Rainbow Bell Adventures, The Adventure of Dr. Franken, The Flintstones, The Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Winter Olympics, Jim Power – The lost Dimension in 3D, Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, Metal Marines, Super Battleship, Tetris 3 – Tetris Battle Gaiden
GB-TestsCliffhanger, Hyper Dunk, Konami Golf, Pop n’TwinBee, Max, Tetris 2
Reportagen, SpecialsJoypads und Joyboards im Test
Tips/LösungenSuper Turrican (SNES), Secret of Mana (SNES)