TOTAL! 01/94

NES-TestsBattleship, Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, Darkwing Duck, Nigel Mansell’s World Championship
SNES-TestsAladdin, Alfred Chicken, Brett Hull Hockey, Cliffhanger, Daffy Duck, Flashback, Last Action Hero, Major Title, Super Putty, The humans, Top Gear 2, World Heroes, Zool, Battletoads – Double Dragon, Pac-Attack, Sim Ant,
GB-TestsCastle Quest, F1 – Pole Position, Gear Works, Hammerin’ harry, Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, WWF King of the Ring, Last Action Hero, Muhammad Ali’s BoxingPang!, Sensible Soccer, Space Date, WCW – The Main Event, Great Greed
Reportagen, SpecialsBest of ‘93
Tips/LösungenTreasure Island Dizzy (NES), 7th Saga (SNES)
ExtraTreasure Island Dizzy-Lösungsposter